Mixed Techniques – Intricate

Delve into the world of intricate, multi-layered printmaking through a course designed for artists looking to experiment with and refine their skills in a variety of printmaking techniques. In this hands-on class, you will explore the fusion of multiple complex printmaking techniques, from intaglio to relief and screen printing, mastering complex printing processes

Throughout the printmaking course, the emphasis will be on developing your own artistic voice while exploring texture, contrast, and depth in your work. You’ll discover how to bring your ideas to life through mixed printmaking processes, all while honing your technical expertise.

In this course, you will learn.

  • Introduction to Reduction Printing.
  • 8-layer Reduction printing process.
  • Typography printing process.
  • Typography on paper and shirts.
  • Introduction to Screen printing.
  • Screen-making process and printing. 
  • Screen printing on shirts.
  • Introduction to Etching.
  • Etching printing process.
  • Introduction to Aquatint printing.
  • Aquatint tonal chart.
  • 6 tones Aquatint printing process.
  • Paper cutting and registration.
  • Material knowledge and ink making.
  • Print labelling.

After completing this course, you will gain an understanding of multiple printmaking techniques and processes, as well as an introduction to the applications used and their differences.

Additionally, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.

Schedule of Classes:

– Duration, 25 Days

– Class Frequency, 05 hours a day.

– Class Timing, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM.

– Courses Fee, PKR 19,999/-